Master Tables Project
Time frame: 2 days
The goal of this project is to create master tables for every page of your personal website. A master table is a table that contains every object on your web page. This includes text, images, nested tables (tables that sit inside of another table) and everything else. Absolutely nothing should be sitting outside of the master table.
- For the purposes of this project, your table must be invisible. (Border value of 0).
- You may have to merge cells or split cells to achieve the design results you want.
- You may add additional tables within your master table if your design calls for it.
- NOTHING should appear outside the table. Not a word, not a picture, not a graphic. EVERYTHING goes in the master table.
- Rows, columns, and individual cells can have their own color formatting. Demonstrate your ability to use these features by creating tables that use color formatting. Do not have all of your cells the same color.
- I have included basic instructions, and then more advanced instructions. If you haven't worked out a more advanced design yet, use the basic instructions. You are free to alter the advanced instructions to suit your design.
Simple Instructions:
- Open your home page (index.html).
- Click at the top left of the page.
- Create a new table (Ctrl+Alt+T)
- In the Table dialog box that opens, fill in:
- Rows: 3
- Columns: 1
- Table Width: 500 pixels
- Border thickness: 0
- In the top row, cut and paste your Page Title
- In the second row, cut and paste your navigation
- In the third row, cut and paste your text.
- Format the color for your new table. Use the colors that you are already using in your color scheme. Look at your page properties for details (modify>page properties
Simple Example (before color formatting):
More Advanced Instructions:
- Open your home page (index.html).
- Click at the top left of the page.
- Create a new table (Ctrl+Alt+T)
- In the Table dialog box that opens, fill in:
- Rows: 3
- Columns: 3
- Table Width: 500 pixels
- Border thickness: 0
- Merge the top row together.
- In the top row, cut and paste your Page Title
- Merge the second row together.
- In the second row, cut and paste your navigation
- In the left cell of the third row, insert a graphic (or graphics).
- In the middle cell of the third row, cut and paste your text.
- In the right cell of the third row, insert a graphic (or graphics).
- Format the color for your new table. Use the colors that you are already using in your color scheme. Look at your page properties for details (modify>page properties
Mr. O'Connell's Even More Fabulous Homepage |
home | image gallery | interests | tutorials | links |
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nunc magna felis, porttitor vel malesuada iaculis, pretium eu enim. Ut viverra fringilla porttitor. Ut auctor tristique dolor, vel vehicula dui congue vel. Donec est lacus, tincidunt eu fringilla quis, pulvinar in orci. Integer accumsan rutrum mi.
Suspendisse in ipsum felis, eget cursus elit. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus tempor porttitor nibh vel feugiat. Nullam vulputate accumsan eros, a consequat ligula cursus a. Nunc semper bibendum metus eget adipiscing. Etiam suscipit, velit nec feugiat porta, neque diam facilisis ante, sit amet auctor enim tortor quis lacus.
Mauris id sem lectus. Vivamus porta ipsum sit amet ante lacinia malesuada. Donec vel est tortor. Curabitur elit erat, accumsan vitae venenatis sed, dapibus nec velit. Proin congue molestie odio, non vehicula purus consequat dictum. Aliquam ut massa tortor, et iaculis quam. |
Grading Scale (tba):
A |
The correct username, the correct information in the subject line, and in the correct order. |
B |
The correct username, the correct information in the subject line, but in the wrong order. |
C |
The correct username, but incomplete information provided in the subject line. |
D |
Incorrect username, incorrect information in the subject line. |
F |
Incorrect username, no information in the subject line, or any other serious departures from the instructions. |
0 |
No confirmation email received at the address provided above. |