Invisible gif Tutorial
Open Photoshop Elements.
Choose edit and enhance photos.
Choose File>new>blank file.
Enter the desired height and width.
Set the Resolution to 72 ppi.
Set the Background Contents to Transparent.
Click Okay.
Choose File>Save As.
Change the Format to CompuServe Gif.
Name the file invisible_x_height_by_x_width (substituting your height and width for X).
Save the file in your image folder.
- If you are going to use a lot of invisible .gif files, create a folder and call it invisible_gifs, and save it in there.
- You're done.
How is this useful?
Create an invisible spacer to use in a table to precisely position images or text.
Use as an invisible image for a simple rollover.
Use as an invisible image for a swap image behavior.
Use as an invisible image in a multiple event rollover.